Results 106 - 120
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crisisprevention.com: Crisis Prevention Institute | Cpi
The Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) is an international training organization that specializes in the safe management of disruptive and assaultive behavior.
Listed under: Workplace Violencefantasiafair.org: Fantasia Fair - The Longest Running Annual ...
Fantasia Fair is a week-long transgender conference providing both educational and social programs to the GLBTI community.
Keywords: conference, crossdresser, education, event, fantasia fair, transexual, transgender, transgendered, transsexual, transvestite
Listed under: Conferencesburningman.com: The Burning Man Project :: Welcome Home
Burning Man is an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada.
Keywords: art, black rock city, burning man, desert, event, leave no trace, playa, radical self expression, self reliance
Listed under: Burning Maninformaglobalevents.com: Ibc Legal - Home
Listings of UK conferences, seminars, and legal publishing resources.
Listed under: Conferencesakcoastalstudies.org: Center For Alaskan Coastal Studies, Homer Alaska
The Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies (CACS) is a 501-c-3 environmental education not-for-profit organization in Homer, Alaska. Established in 1982, CACS delivers educat...
Keywords: alaska, cacs, citizen, coast, ecosystem, education, environmental, event, hands-on, homer, kids, science, students, walk
Listed under: Organizationsenvironmental-expert.com: Environmental Industry Events On ...
Find environmental industry events on the world's most complete and up-to-date environmental industry calendar. View agendas, venue details, attendees and brochures. Regi...
Listed under: Conferencesfunmunch.com: 4Th July - 4Th July Ecards, 4Th July Wallpapers, Poems
Offers resources for 4th july celebrations. Includes 4th july wallpapers, ecards, poems, comments and more.
Keywords: 4th july, 4th july comments, 4th july ecards, 4th july greetings, history of 4th july, jokes, poems, wallpapers
Listed under: Independence Day, United Statestoronto.ca: City Of Toronto Special Events - Canada Day 2010
Toronto celebrates Canada Day at Mel Lastman Square on July 1. The popular event features musical performances by top Canadian talent and a spectacular fireworks show.
Keywords: canada day, canada's birthday, jul 1, july 1 celebrations, july 1 events, special events office
Listed under: Canada Dayhistorymole.com: Historymole Timeline: History Through Historical ...
History Through Timelines by HistoryMole.com. Searchable historical themes and world events from the last two thousand years.
Keywords: dates, day, event, events, historic, historical, history, national, online, research, resources, timeline, timelines, year
Listed under: Timelinesphysicsworld.com: Current Events: Page 1 - Physicsworld.Com
physicsworld.com - news, views and information for the global physics community from Institute of Physics Publishing
Keywords: astronomy, atomic, community, cosmology, institute, iop, molecular, news, nuclear, opinion, particle, physics, publishing
Listed under: Physicsgislounge.com: Gis Lounge | Gis Conferences And Events
The purpose of this site is to provide introductory text for issues relating to GIS as well as interesting news items, tips, and resources for the geospatial field.
Listed under: Geographic Information Systemsloc.gov: The American Folklife Center At The Library Of Congress ...
The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The American Folklife Center was created in 1976 by the U.S. Congress to "preserve and present" the gre...
Keywords: american, center, concert, congress, culture, event, fieldwork, folk, folk, folklife, library, news, performance, student, teacher, tradition
Listed under: Organizationsrsc.org: Conferences And Events
A comprehensive, fully searchable database of events, large and small, around the world. A free online submission form allows organizers to publicise their events free of...
Listed under: Conferenceseventhorizon.typepad.com: Lunar News Network
This is a blog devoted to the U.S. space program and the return to the Moon.
Keywords: moon, nasa, vse
Listed under: Space Colonizationfieldrobotevent.de: Fieldrobotevent
The use of autonomous, small robots in agriculture is expected to revolutionize field work. Professional, university or school teams are invited to enter their robots for...
Listed under: Agriculture
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